Thursday, September 18, 2008

Posterior Vitreous Detachment

This was the diagnosis I received today from my eye doctor. It sounds terrible but it is a common usually harmless condition that comes with ageing. My problem began one morning last week while I was reading the morning newspaper and I saw a jagged shaped colored prism V shape on the left side of where I was reading. It lasted about 15 minutes. I wasn't happy about this occurrence but decided to ignore it. Last night it suddenly appeared again just as I was getting off the computer. This time it was larger and if it was normal I could've enjoyed its beauty. However, at this point my mind is racing toward detached retinas, blindness etc.

So first thing this morning I called Dr. Silberberg for an appointment. They needed to dilate my eye with drops which I really dislike. They took pictures of my eye and then examined it with a machine. The doctor said it is important to get something like this examined because it could lead to a tear or detached retina in about 1 percent of the cases. I can expect to see more light for a few weeks but if it worsens I need to have it rechecked.

Anybody know where I can find the Fountain of Youth?

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