Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Birthday

Yesterday turned out to be a really nice day. The weather was beautiful - sunny and in the sixties. I went to our monthly Master Garden meeting and our guest speaker was a tree whisperer. He claims he has healed many trees by touching them and talking to them. He gave a power point presentation showing various trees around the country he has worked with. The most impressive was a old tree in Santa Barbara. He sensed from talking with this tree that something happened about 80 years ago in a nearby parking lot. He asked people there to research for him. They discovered there had been an earthquake 79 years ago and the toxic waste was dumped in a near by parking lot. The town has put a barrier in the ground. We were given house plants to practice with during 10 minute meditative exercise. Very,very, interesting!

In the afternoon I helped some other master gardeners with a horticultural therapy program at Mana house which is a temporary home to enable single women with children to get on their feet and become self sufficient. They decorated clay flower pots using colorful tissue paper and glue. They then learned about different varieties of house plants and chose one to plant in their pot. We will be going there once a week for five weeks.

For dinner Bill took me to Charlie Browns where we had an excellent meal. Later we went to a restaurant in town, The Riviera, where they now have a jam session upstairs on Wednesday nights. First the house group plays. Musicians sign in as they arrive and are put into groups. They have a small free buffet which is very good. A friend's husband plays the drums and his family was there. We had a real good time.

Bill gave me a game of Sequence which I had requested. We had played this with Leo and Kristen and it's a lot of fun.