Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our Summer Vacation

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Sunday, August 3rd to the 9th, we were camping at 8th Lake in the Adirondacks. We had a lot of rain, although it never rained for a whole day. Two nights we had very heavy rain and thunder. When I thought it couldn't rain any harder - it did! But we stayed dry. In the morning our campsite was two thirds underwater but we pitched our tent on high ground.

But more important than the rain was getting together with our family - although none of our kids were able to make it this time. Art, Marian and Andy were right next to us. Thanks for having that pot of coffee ready for us each morning! Linda, Jim, David and Matt were next to them. Mike, Nancy, her son Collin, Christopher and his girlfriend Lauren moved to a site across from the Graves as soon as it was available. On our other side we had "outsiders" and then Peggy and Gregg with Jeremy and Caroline and their three boys, our grandnephews, John Caleb, Luke and Jackson, who we met for the first time! Sue and George had a campsite a little further down close to the water with some of their kids and Linda and Al were across the street from them a little further down still.

The water was comfortable for swimming. Bill brought his folbot which fits into 2 bags and is then assembled. Art brought canoes, Mike a sailboat and Al and Linda a motor boat for water skiing. We had it all!

Meals were delicious. We must thank Chris and Lauren for their contributions - delicious hamburgers and yummy blueberry and banana pancakes. The Graves dived for clams in the lake and we had these as an appetizer. I thought they were joking when they said the clams were so greats because they were from 8th Lake! In the evening we had our campfires, talking, singing, roasting marshmallows, passing snacks, making smores.

Something else we enjoyed was touring the Adirondack Museum near Blue Mountain. And we did see a bear crossing the road one day as we drove back from the town of Raquette Lake.

We did have fun and are already thinking about next year!

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